Please join us in welcoming back FIRST’s Medical & Scientific Advisory Board (MSAB) member and medical guest blogger, Dr. John Browning from UT Health Science Center at San Antonio, Texas. Today, Dr. Browning discusses the “hot” topic of dental issues and ichthyosis.

We have noticed many comments and concerns arising lately from the FIRST community over the question of “weak teeth” with ichthyosis.  Most people with ichthyosis do not have any problems with their teeth. However, oral and dental reports in ichthyosis have included gingivitis, periodontitis, enamel hypoplasia, high rate of tooth decay, bruxism (grinding of the teeth), delayed tooth eruption, abnormally shaped teeth, and raised hyperkeratotic tongue plaques.  Because there are many genes and types of mutations that cause ichthyosis, tooth involvement depends on the exact mutation and how it is expressed.

For example, autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis (ARCI) is caused by multiple mutations which can cause the skin to look similar but might have other associated abnormalities. As we continue to learn about the different genetic mutations associated with ichthyosis,  we will then also understand better which types are associated with abnormal teeth.

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